The Pro Smart Clinic for assisted living facilities

Treat residents in place and reduce unnecessary ED transfers with remote physical exams and access to clinicians.

TytoCare reduces ED transfers and TCC


patients treated remotely

without needing follow-up in-person appointments


reduction in ED transfers

with TytoCare’s remote physical exams


more conditions diagnosed

remotely and accurately than with traditional audio/video telehealth

Offer remote care for assisted living is simple

Remote physical exams work both synchronously and asynchronously to enable on-the-spot clinical sessions or the option for clinicians to review exam data later on.


Use TytoCare to connect with a clinic from the workplace

TytoCare in hand

Initiate virtual exam with remote clinician


Clinician diagnoses patient and recommends next steps


Benefits of TytoCare for assisted living

chair icon

Greater access

to care for residents of assisted living facilities

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Affordable and scalable

with no local clinician or expensive equipment required

better outcome icon

Better patient outcomes

with consistent, timely care and monitoring

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Powering Telemedicine Beyond Video

Traditional telehealth just won’t cut it – TytoCare’s advanced attachments bring the patients physical world into the hands of the remote clinician like never before


Designed for professional-to-professional use, TytoPro lets clinicians extend the reach of their specialists to home and on-site clinics. With TytoPro, clinicians can conduct a remote medical exam, obtain a second opinion, or have specialist consults.


Turn any remote point of care location, such as employee work sites, retail clinics, schools or nursing facilities, into a comprehensive yet affordable telehealth clinic.


Changing the face of telehealth as we know it

TytoHome device


Traditional Telehealth

24/7 access
Remote temperature check
Remote lung exams
Remote ear exams
Remote heart sounds
Remote throat exams
Remote abdomen sounds
Remote skin exams

Join the new age of primary care, with no compromises.

Make the home the preferred place for families to access quality primary care they can trust with no compromises, no inconvenience, and no inefficiencies.