Thermometer Troubleshooting
Please note: The TytoCare device includes an IR thermometer, which is highly sensitive to environmental factors. According to the FDA, while a temperature of 37.0°C (98.6°F) is often regarded as “normal,” studies have shown that normal body temperature can vary within a range of 36.1°C to 37.2°C (97°F – 99°F).
Indefinite Temperature Results / Device Needs Calibration

If the TytoCare device displays indefinite temperature results or requires calibration, follow these recommendations for accurate temperature exams:
1. Ensure the IR Sensor is Clean
- Keep the measurement sensor clean. Avoid directly touching the sensor.
2. Prepare for the Temperature Exam
- Ensure both the patient and the device are in the same room for at least 30 minutes before taking a measurement.
- The device must be OFF and not charging during this waiting period.
3. Proper Positioning
- Position the Tyto device within 1 inch from the center of the forehead.
- The device should not touch the forehead but should remain pointed at it for the entire duration of the exam.
- Ensure there is a clear path between the device and the forehead (no hair, sweat, or obstructions).
4. Environmental Considerations
- The patient should be in a draft-free area, away from direct sunlight, air conditioning vents, fans, or radiators.
5. Manual Calibration (If Needed)
- Start a temperature exam.
- Swipe down on the menu screen and select Surface Calibration.
- Follow the on-screen instructions on the Tyto device.
- Perform calibration on an internal wall (not a window or an external surface).
Temperature Readings Consistently Outside the 36.1°C – 37.0°C Range
- If the TytoCare device consistently records temperatures outside the normal range (36.1°C – 37.0°C / 97°F – 98.6°F), follow these steps:
- Support should log in to the Clinician Dashboard.
- Invite the user for a visit.
- Select the Temperature Exam and check if the issue persists.
- If the issue continues, contact TytoCare Support for further assistance.