Clinician Platform Troubleshooting
Tyto Device Not Connecting
Symptom: During an online exam the clinician dashboard shows the following message: “Patient’s Tyto device not connected”
Possible Cause: The user end has not paired the Tyto device or lost network connection
Suggested Resolution:
- Ask the user what is shown on the Tyto device screen –
If the device screen shows the following screen:
Ask the user end to ensure the device is paired by verifying the green pairing icon appears in the Tyto app:
- Ask the User to turn the device off and on again with the power button and wait for the device to connect to the visit.
If the device still does not connect to the visit please contact TytoCare via the Support portal.
No Sound or Video Feed on the Video call
Symptoms: The patient side cannot be heard or seen on the video visit, Or they cannot hear/ see the clnician.
Possible Cause and Resolution:
- User has muted microphone or turned off their camera
- Resolution: Ask them to make sure camera and microphone are on and that there are no apps using the camera running in the background (Zoom, Facetime, MS Teams etc.)
- Clinician browser permissions are not configured –
- Suggested Resolutions:
Click on site permissions button on the left side of the TytoCare URL (marked in blue), and turn on all permissions.
Otoscope Image is Not Showing
Symptom: When starting an ear exam the exam screen shows a black image instead of the device video.
Possible Cause: The patient has not connected the Otoscope add-on properly.
Suggested Resolution: Ask the user to reconnect the otoscope according to Otoscope Troubleshooting
Stethoscope Sound is Not Heard During Exam
Suggested Resolution: Ask the user to follow Stethoscope Troubleshooting
Thermometer Errors
For Thermometer errors during exams please see Thermometer Troubleshooting